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Cream underwear and bras hanging on clothesline, air drying sustainably}

Considered Clothing Care Guide: How To Mindfully Care For Your Underwear

Posted on March 17, 2023
Fit Advice, Healthy Living, Product and Care, Style and Fit, Triumph

Sustainable clothing care will extend the life of your favourite items, leave a lighter footprint on our planet, and save you money in the process. Join us in doing our bit to help our one precious planet, by learning how to mindfully care for your clothing and underwear.

At Triumph, we’re committed to living lighter, and we deeply believe that it’s cool to be conscious. That’s why we’ve created our Considered Range of lingerie made from organic cotton, Lyocell, and recycled fabrics, and our Period Pants, which help to reduce waste from single-use period products.

In this guide, we’re sharing our tips on how to take a more considered approach when it comes to caring for your clothing and underwear.


What is sustainable clothing care and how can we be more sustainable with our clothing care?

Sustainable clothing care is all about taking a mindful approach to how we clean and care for our garments. The goal is to extend the life of our clothing and lighten our impact on the environment.

Caring for your clothes in this way means that:

  • Your fabrics last longer
  • You consume less water during cleaning
  • You reduce your energy usage by washing at lower temperatures
  • The products you use are gentler on your clothes and the planet, and
  • You save money and time by washing your clothes less often.


How to wash clothes in a more considered way?

Here are our top tips for washing your clothes in a more considered way:

  • First, get to know the fabrics you wear, and wash your clothes according to their care labels
  • Hand wash or wash in cold water and use a light spin cycle. If using a washing machine, consider whether a cold wash and a shorter cycle is suitable. This will be gentler on your clothing and can also save up to 90% of the energy usage compared to a hot wash
  • Before washing, turn your clothing inside out to protect your fabrics and help them last longer
  • Use a washing bag or case to protect delicate items
  • Avoid using fabric softeners and harsh detergents or chemicals (such as chlorine bleach). A gentler alternative is to add a ½ cup of vinegar to your final rinse. A natural brightener, vinegar is gentler on the fibres of your clothing
  • For bras and underwear, warm handwashing is often recommended, to protect the delicate fabric and shaping, and to help your lingerie to last longer.


What are the best detergents to use?

When choosing a detergent, it’s important to consider the environment and the impact your detergent may have on the longevity of your clothing.

Look for detergents that are biodegradable, made from natural ingredients and free from harsh chemicals. There are detergents that have been specifically created to be gentle on clothes and the environment, such as those that are fragrance free, safe for wool, and those with good ratings for recycling and greywater reuse.


How often between washes?

Washing only when necessary is one of the main ways to protect your clothes. How often you choose to wash your garments will depend on a few factors, including:

  • The individual item (for example, underwear is usually washed more frequently than say a skirt or pair of pants)
  • The material
  • Personal preference
  • How often you sweat

Generally, bras can be washed after 3 to 4 wears, while underwear will often need washing after each wear.


How to remove stains without washing?

Bra draped over white sink, ready for sustainable stain removal

Life can be messy, and sometimes stains happen.

If your underwear becomes stained:
  1. Wet a cloth with cold water and add a drop of gentle, clear dish soap to the cloth
  2. If possible, place another cloth beneath the stain, then press your damp cloth onto the stain and lift. Repeat. Rather than rubbing, this is a press and lift movement that avoids further damaging the fabric
  3. Soak the stain in water overnight, or wash immediately after treating the area.
You can also use baking soda to tackle sweat stains:
  1. Rinse the stained area
  2. Use a little water to make the baking soda into a paste and gently rub it into the stained fabric
  3. Leave it for an hour, then rinse it off under cool water.


If you want to keep clothes fresh between wears (without washing), try:

  • Airing them out in the sunshine or in a well-ventilated area (sunshine may fade darker dye colours)
  • Baking soda has deodorising properties: turn your clothes inside out and sprinkle a little baking soda over them. Leave them for a while and then just brush the powder away
  • Freezing clothes can kill bacteria that causes an unpleasant smell (think musty denim jeans). Simply place your items into a plastic bag and into the freezer overnight.


How to dry clothes in a more considered way?

Bra pegged to clothesline, sustainably drying in the wind

When drying your clothes, here are a few tips to mindfully care for your items:

  • Avoid using the tumble dryer - tumble dryers can damage fabric fibres, cause shrinking or loss of shape, and they consume a lot of energy
  • Air dry your clothes where possible - air drying is gentler on your clothes and you can control how your clothes are positioned (whether they are hanging or laid out flat)
  • If you normally iron your clothes, try hanging them in the bathroom while you take a hot shower. The steam can help to remove creases and reduce the need for ironing.
  • Hang your clothes according to their care label to avoid stretching and other damage - this may include the use of softer coat hangers, fold hanging, and other techniques.


How to protect clothing and make items last longer?

To extend the life of your clothing, consider the following tips:

  • Think about whether you can repair them, for example, can loose stitching be sewn up?
  • Know when to replace your items, and when it’s time to invest in a new bra or new underwear, for example when they are beyond repair or no longer provide a comfortable and supportive fit.
  • Rotate your clothing: regularly changing your clothing rotation can extend the life of your items by reducing wear and tear on a few favourite pieces.
  • Do your best to buy less: invest in quality garments that will last over longer periods of time.

Taking time now to consider your future clothing choices and how you will care for your garments, can have a positive impact on your wardrobe, your wallet, and the planet. Most of all, mindful clothing care will extend the life of your items, meaning you can enjoy the pieces you love for longer!

At Triumph, we’re committed to providing considered underwear choices that make you feel good. Explore our Considered Lingerie Collection, and find the perfect fit for you.